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We would like to inform,  that you can also add your scietntific advisor as a co-author of your paper for the 8 AYGEC. 


Joint meeting of Organizing Committee about progressing of the Eighth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (8 AYGEC).


At the working meeting in L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University was a presentation about the upcoming 8-th Asian Youth Geotechnical Conference, which will be held August 2016, as well as were discussed issues of organizing and conducting this conference.

We would like to remind you that the deadline of Paper submission for

the 8-th AYGEC is 25 April, 2016.

We kindly ask you to send Full Paper (length 4-6 pages) and ConsentForm_of_CRC_2013 to the following e-mail address: or


Working meeting in the office of Dean of ACF. From left to right: Deputy Dean of ACF Bazarbaev D.O., Dean of ACF

Baimukhanov S.K., Head of Department of DBC ZhussupbekovA.Zh., Dean of  School of Engineering of Nazarbayev University Anatoli Vakhguelt, PhD Student Tanyrbergenova G.K.


Following the  working  meeting, the participants agreed on holding the next meeting in the walls of Nazarbayev University devoted to questions of the organization and carrying out of  Eighth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference  (August 5-7, 2016) in Astana.


The Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society is pleased to invite you to the Eighth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (8 AYGEC), to be held at Nazarbayev University in Astana.


The Eighth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference

Dates: 5-7th August 2016

Venue: The Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan 

            L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan


Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov
Chairman of Organizing Committee of the 8AYGEC

Dept. of Civil Engineering
L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University
2 Satpayev Str, Astana, 010008, Kazakhstan

Tel: +7-7172-35-37-40
Fax: +7-7172-34-47-96



Ms. Zhumagazina Natalia

General Secretary of Organising Committee of the 8AYGEC

Tel,Fax: +7-7172-344796
Mobile: +7-775-685-28-02


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