2019 April
The first forum between the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) and the Incheon National
University (INU) was held at the L.N. Gumilyov ENU on the Development of Geotechnical Infrastructure of
Megacities and New Capitals TC305 (ISSMGE) on February 24-26, 2019 in Astana (Kazakhstan).
At the opening ceremony (Figure 1) of the forum, the first vice-rector (vice-rector for Academic Affairs) of
ENU, Prof. Assemgul Moldazhanova, expressed in her speech about the importance of integration between
INU and ENU, especially in terms of educational and research programs of graduate school. Prof. Ju Moon
Park, dean of College of Urban Sciences of INU, also emphasized the importance of cooperation between
ENU and INU. He introduced other INU’s successful experiences of educational and research exchanges
programs including the double-degree master’s educational programs with European universities and wishes
to establish master’s dual degree program with L.N. Gumilyov ENU.

Figure 1. At the opening ceremony of the first forum between L.N. Gumilyov ENU and INU
Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov delivered in his welcoming speech about the history of collaboration between the
Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society and the Korean Geotechnical Society.
As a special guest of the first ENU-INU forum, Mr. Kim Daesik, who is an Ambassador Extraordinary and
Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Korea to the Republic of Kazakhstan H.E., gave a congratulatory speech.
A keynote lecture (Figure 2) was delivered by Vice-President for Asia of ISSMGE, Prof. Eun Chul Shin
(Department of Civil and Environment Engineering, INU). The technical sessions were devoted to general
issues on the development of urban infrastructure.

Figure 2. Keynote lecture of Prof. Eun Chul Shin on Educational Program for Future City Design Project
The Korean delegates delivered the following scientific reports: (1) Factors affecting the satisfaction of
emergency medical services in capital and non-capital areas (Prof. Ju Moon Park (Figure 3); (2) Spatial
Information (GIS) based future smart city construction (Prof. Byoung Gil Choi); (3) Vegetation Analysis in
the Western part of South Korea using Open Source QGIS toolkit (Prof. Yong Chang Lee); (4) An influence of
weather factors on the work loss days of the elderly workers in Korea (Prof. Chansik Lee); (5) Development
of modern architecture in Pyeongyang (Associate Prof. Eungee Cinn); (6) Development of LRFD of
displacement piles in frictional soils (Associate Prof. Dongwook Kim).

Figure 3. Invited lecture of Prof. Ju Moon Park from INU
On behalf of the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society, the PhD students and Civil Engineering department
academicians presented their reports in the technical session 2.
Associate Prof. Assel Sarsembayeva introduced her research results on moisture mass transfer in unsaturated
freezing soils; Mrs. Nurgul Shakirova discussed about experience of application on LRT project in Astana the
low strain method and cross-hole sonic logging for checking integrity of bored piles; Mr. Sungat Akhazhanov
presented the geoinformation database for installation of driving and boring piles in Astana which used in
construction site; Mrs. Gulshat Tleulenova reported about frost heaving during freezing and thawing of soils.
The MOU between INU and L.N. Gumilyov ENU was signed at the forum for realizing of joint double-diploma
educational postgraduate program in Architecture and Civil Engineering (Figure 4). Prof. Baubek Somzhurek,
vice-rector for International Relations and Innovations of ENU, and Prof. Ju Moon Park, dean of College of
Urban Sciences of INU signed the MOU. The parties exchanged MOU documents and outlined a plan for
implementation step by step of this educational program.

Figure 4. The MOU signing ceremony on the implementation of double-diploma postgraduate educational
The director of ENU-lab Dr. Rauan Lukpanov, together with colleagues of the Departments of Design of
Buildings and Structures and Technology of Industrial and Civil Engineering, conducted a technical tour at
the laboratories and showed to the delegates’ the current activities of ENU-lab (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Technical tour to the ENU-lab
Within the forum program the technical tour took place at the Astanamasterplan, LLP and also delegates
visited during city excursion the unique objects of Astana city (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Forum’s Delegates in Astanamasterplan, LLP