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Congratulated of Geotechnical Laboratory of INU(Incheon National University) with 40 Years Anniversa

№ 25 from 21.11.2020

To whom it my concern

Dear Colleagues,

I would like inform you that the collaboration with Professor Eun Chul Shin began in 2003, when we met him at the Asian Regional Geotechnical Conference in Singapore.

The main directions of our scientific and technical cooperation between the Geotechnical Institute of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and the Geotechnical Laboratory of Incheon National University, (advisor is Professor Eun Chul Shin) are the following:

[if !supportLists]1. [endif]Academic exchanges with teachers who give lectures to the graduate and PhD students in Construction specialty.

[if !supportLists]2. [endif]Holding International geotechnical conferences (under the auspices of ISSMGE) in South Korea, Kazakhstan, China, Russia, India, Japan and other countries of the world

[if !supportLists]3. [endif]Joint training of PhD Students in the Geotechnics field for the defense of their dissertations by the Dissertation Council of L. N. Gumilyov ENU.

[if !supportLists]4. [endif]Organizing Internships for graduate and PhD students between Geotechnical Institute of L.N. Gumilyov ENU and the Geotechnical laboratory of Incheon at National University.

[if !supportLists]5. [endif]Participation at the International Geotechnical Conferences held under the auspices of the Geotechnical Laboratory of Incheon National University, Korea Geotechnical Society.

[if !supportLists]6. [endif]Participation of students at the INU geotechnical laboratory in the 8th YAGEC, 2016, Astana, Kazakhstan

[if !supportLists]7. [endif]Participation of the INU geotechnical laboratory staffs in megastructure projects in Astana and Almaty (Kazakhstan)

[if !supportLists]8. [endif]Participation in the work of the technical committee TC 305 (ISSMGE) - Geotechnical infrastructure of megacities and new capitals

[if !supportLists]9. [endif]Preparation of joint scientific publications in international and national geotechnical journals.

[if !supportLists]10. [endif]Participation in the work of the international association - construction in cold regions.

It should be especially noted that many of the positions of this scientific and technical cooperation were initiated and are being implemented under the scientific guidance of Professor Eun Chul Shin.

This collaboration is very important for developing real interaction between our Universities.

Under the scientific supervision of Professor Eun Chul Shin doctoral dissertations were prepared by Zhanara Nazarova, Tattygul Seidmarova, Zhanbolat Shakhmov, Gulshat Tleulenova, Nurgul Shakirova, Erkebulan Zharkenov (ENU)

The Geotechnical Laboratory of INU is equipped with modern, high-precision instruments for various types of soil testing. The professionalism, level of literacy in testing and estimating of the different type of soil of your Scientists and PhD Students is very high.

Professor Eun Chul Shin is a Vice President of ISSMGE for Asia (2017-2021) and this fact confirms the level of the geotechnical laboratory of INU (South Korea) and its scientific geotechnical school in the world.

Professor Eun Chul Shin was awarded the International medals of Academician Sh.M. Aitaliev and the L.N. Gumilyov ENU (Kazakhstan) for his outstanding works in training highly qualified personnel for Kazakhstan and the introduction of scientific developments in the construction of foundations of high-rise buildings and structures in Astana, Songdo and the high-speed highway: Astana-Shchuchinsk.

We want express deep thanks for Prof. Eun Chul Shin, who made great efforts for organizing such research training of our Master Students, PhD Students in Geotechnical Laboratory for many years.

We congratulate of Geotechnical Laboratory of INU with 40 Years Anniversary.

We hope to create an academic platform for our Teachers and Students to develop joint research projects in the future.

Sincerely yours,

Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov

Director of the Geotechnical Institute

of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University,

President of Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society,

Chair of TC305 “Geotechnical Infrastructure for Megacities and New Capitals”(ISSMGE),

Academic of Kazakhstan National Engineering Academy,

Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan

Fig. 1. Group photo of the participants of 8 AYGEC included of Bachelors Students from Geotechnical Laboratory of INU (Advisor is Prof. Eun Chul Shin), 2016, Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan

Fig. 2. Group photo of the Master Students of ENU are in internship program at Geotechnical Laboratory of INU, 2017

Fig. 3. Group photo of INU delegation at ENU, 2019, Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan

Fig. 4. Visiting of INU delegation of Architectural – Civil Engineering Faculty of ENU, 2019,

Nur-Sultan (Astana), Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society
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