On August 25, 2020, Zharkenov Yerkebulan Berdenovich and Shakirova Nurgul Udarbekovna successfully defended their dissertations for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).
Both applicants researched the Department of «Design of buildings and structures» under the guidance of Professor Askar Zhusupbekov, Doctor of technical sciences, L.N. Gumilyov ENU.

Online defence of the doctoral dissertation by PhD Student Zharkenov Y.B.
The topic of the PhD thesis of PhD Student Zharkenov Y.B. – «Solutions to the storm sewer system of the Astana city» is devoted to the solution of accumulated problems in the stormwater drainage networks of the capital. In the course of the defence, the PhD Student Zharkenov Y.B. reported on the results of the conducted research, presented the developed hydraulic model of the subcatchment I-1. According to the results of the research, an act of introducing the model was obtained in the design company specializing in designing sewerage networks.
The foreign scientific consultant of Zharkenov Yerkebulan is the Professor Eun Chul Shin (Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental Engineering, Incheon National University, Incheon, South Korea).
The first official reviewer of PhD Student Zharkenov Yerkebulan was the Professor Kassymbekov Zhuzbay Kozhabayevich, doctor of technical sciences (Department of Engineering systems and networks of the K.I.Satpayev Kazakh National Research Technical University).
The second official reviewer was Prutyanova Julia Olegovna, candidate of technical sciences, an engineer of Astana Trans Stroy Montazh LLP.

Fragment of slide of the PhD thesis of Yerkebulan Zharkenov
The topic of PhD thesis of Nurgul Shakirova is «Comparative research of continuity of bored piles by «PIT and CROSS-hole analysis» methods». During the defence of the PhD thesis, Nurgul Shakirova made a report on conducted tests and obtained results. On the defence results of comparison of two methods of researches of continuity of bored piles, PIT and Cross-hole are presented.
The foreign scientific consultant of Nurgul Shakirova is a Professor Der-Wen Chang (Department of Construction of Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan).
The official reviewers of PhD Student Nurgul Shakirova were a Professor Dyusembayev Izim Nasievich from Kazakh head architecturally-building academy and Professor Ikramov Faizulla Abdullayevich from M. Ulugbek Samarkand State Architecture-Building institute.

Online defence of the PhD thesis by Nurgul Shakirova

Demonstration of the slide on pile defects by Nurgul Shakirova
It should be noted that the defence was held with the participation of all members of the Dissertation Council in the speciality «6D072900 – Construction»: Professor V.N. Kaliakin (the USA, University of Delaware), Professor Y.A. Pronozin (Russia, Tyumen Industrial University), Professor Moon Sung-Woo (Nazarbayev University), Professor A. Zhusupbekov (ENU), Professor T.M. Baitassov (ENU), Professor B.B. Teltaev (KazDorNII), Associate Professor A.S. Tulebekova (ENU), PhD A.R. Omarov (ENU).
During the defence, PhD Students answered the questions of members of the Dissertation Council, official reviewers, as well as teachers and professors of the Department Design of Building and Structures, employees of the Geotechnical Institute, and participated in the discussion.
In conclusion, members of the Dissertation Council noted the high quality of dissertations and qualification of PhD Students and advised them to continue their scientific work in the field of geotechnics.
Chairman of the Dissertation Council, President of Kazakhstan Geotechnical Association Professor Askar Zhussupbekov recommended to PhD Students to participate with scientific presentations on the results of their dissertations in the 20th International Geotechnical Conference (20th ICSMGE) to be held in Sydney (Australia) in September 2021.