Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society (KGS)
(1-1)Names of president of KGS, international secretary and their contact e-mail address:
Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov-President of Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society,
Dr. Tursun Zhunissov- Secretary of Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society,
e-mail: astana-geostroi@mail.ru and bibakgs@gmail.com
(1-2) Approximate number of members of KGS (both domestic and international):
89 members of domestic and 38 international
(1-3) How many student members approximately?
7 student members
(2-1) Organizing International Conferences, Workshops, Seminars etc. (2019-2020):
1. International scientific conference “Transportation Soil Engineering in Cold Regions” (TRANSOILCOLD 2019). The Conference was held in St.Ptersburg, Russia, May 20-23, 2019 and dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University and the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Transport Construction https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/57184/?sphrase_id=2562720;
2. 12th Symposium on the development of cold regions was held in Oulu (Finland), June, 2019
3. On 22 March 2019, an international geotechnical mini-symposium was held at the University of Delaware (U.S.A.) in conjunction with TC 305 “Geotechnical Infrastructure of Mega-Cities and New Capitals” https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/56820/?sphrase_id=2562720;
4. In December 2019, the 9th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (9AYGEC) and the 15th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (15ICGE) were held on the territory of the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (Pakistan) https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/58933/?sphrase_id=2562720;
5. From September, 1 to September 6, 2019 the 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering was held in Reykjavík (Iceland) https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/58048/?sphrase_id=2562720;
6. Kazakhstan Geotechnics at the 16th Asian Regional Geotechnical Conference in Taipei (Taiwan), October, 2019 https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/58456/?sphrase_id=2562720;
7. The First Kazakhstan-Uzbek Symposium dedicated to the Year of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan was held at ENU, 28 May, 2019 https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/57237/?sphrase_id=2562720;
8. XII Astana Economic Forum with Scientific Researcher of the Geotechnical Institute of L.N. Gumilyov ENU, 24 May, 2019 https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/57167/?sphrase_id=2562720;
9. From September, 2019 till December, 2019 the Scientific internship at Nippon Koei (Japan) of PhD Student of ENU Mr. Zhumadilov Iliyas (member of KGS) https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/59034/?sphrase_id=2562720;
10. The results of the international meeting of Technical Committee TC 305 ISSMGE
11. A winter marathon of Eurasian in Iraq and in the USA, March, 2020 https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/59566/?sphrase_id=2562720’
12. Shantou University (China), Indian Geotechnical Society (India), Vardhaman College of Engineering (India) and Qingdao University (China) organized a series of scientific webinars on building and environmental protection, 13 May, 2020 https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/60011/?sphrase_id=2562720
13. From February till March, 2020 the Scientific Internship in Aomori prefecture (Japan) of PhD Student Bibigul Abdrakhmanova from Department of Design of Buidings and Constructions, Eurasian National University, members of KGS https://www.enu.kz/en/info/news/59631/?sphrase_id=2562720;
14. PhD. Students of the Department Design of Buildings and Structures and employees of the Geotechnical Institute at the experimental site in Nur-Sultan city https://kgs-astana.wixsite.com/society/single-post/2020/07/18/PhD-Students-of-the-Department-Design-of-Buildings-and-Structures-and-employees-of-the-Geotechnical-Institute-at-the-experimental-site-in-Nur-Sultan-city
1.International scientific conference “Transportation Soil Engineering in Cold Regions” (TRANSOILCOLD 2019). The Conference was held in St.Ptersburg, Russia, May 20-23, 2019 and dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University and the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Transport Construction

Report of the President of the Kazakhstani Geotechnical Society Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov

Plenary meeting with Representatives of the Organizing Committee (TRANSOILCOLD, 2019)

Participants of the conference

Young Geotechnical Engineers Symposium

Report of A.S. Tulebekova(LN Gumilyov Eurasian National university, Kazakhstan, Member of KGS)

PhD А.S. Tulebekova during the award ceremony Diploma "The best report"
2.12th Symposium on the development of cold regions was held in Oulu (Finland), June, 2019
Professor of the Department of “Design of Buildings and Constructions” of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction, Director of the Geotechnical Institute, A. Zhussupbekov took part as a member of the ISCORD Board in the work of this meeting, where issues related to freezing and thawing soils were discussed. The venue of the next 13th ISCORD International Symposium, which is planned to be held in Harbin (China) in August 2022, was chosen. Scientists and specialists from Finland, England, New Zealand, USA, Japan, South Korea, China, Australia, Poland, Canada, Denmark took part in the meeting. The day after the Board meeting, the work of the International Symposium began, devoted to the problems of the construction of buildings and structures in cold regions. More than 100 participants from 15 countries took part in the symposium. The keynote lecture “Sustainable resource use in a coastal construction” was presented by a visiting professor L.N. Gumilyov, ENU, Vice-President of the ISSMGE for Asia, Ph.D. Enu Chul Shin (Incheon National University, South Korea), dedicated to the study of geosynthetic materials while strengthening coastal marine structures.

Key lecture and poster presentation by Professor Askar Zhussupbekov at the ISCORD International Symposium, 2019
Professor A. Zhussupbekov received an invitation to participate in the Baltic Geotechnical Conference, which will be held in May 2020 in Helsinki. He also discussed with the Finnish colleagues the possibility of holding the next Baltic Geotechnical Conference in 2023 in the city of Kaliningrad (Russia). Also Professor A. Zhussupbekov met with Doctor of Technical Sciences Kari Avellan, director of KAREG Consulting Engineers, who showed him the scientific and architectural projects that were used in Finland, Estonia and Russia.

Visit of the Geotechnical Laboratory of the Aalto University at Helsinki (from left to right: Henry Gustavsson, Askar Zhussupbekov, Leena Korkiala-Tanttu)

3. On 22 March 2019, an international geotechnical mini-symposium was held at the University of Delaware (U.S.A.) in conjunction with TC 305 “Geotechnical Infrastructure of Mega-Cities and New Capitals”
The invited lecture for the mini-symposium was given by Professor Askar Zhussupbekov, chairman of TC 305, past ISSMGE vice-president for Asia, and ASCE GI member. The title of Professor Zhussupbekov’s lecture was “Geotechnical Construction and Testing of Piling Foundations on Problematic Soils of Kazakhstan”.

Figure 1. Professor Askar Zhussupbekov (L) receiving plaque from Professor Victor N. Kaliakin

Figure 2. Professor Kalehiwot Manahiloh presenting the research of Ms. Christy Bugher

Figure 3. Some participants of the geotechnical mini-symposium: (L to R) Mehdi Kadivar, Professor Victor N. Kaliakin,
Will Baker, Professor Askar Zhussupbekov, Renee Lamprinakos, and Ali Al Saadi
Following the mini-symposium, Professor Zhussupbekov discussed with Professors Sue Mc Neil (department chairperson) and Kaliakin the possibility of future collaborative research between geotechnical faculty at the University of Delaware and his home institution (Eurasian National University in Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan). The initial emphasis of such research would likely be the numerical simulation of piled foundations in the problematic soils of Kazakhstan. This area of joint research has the potential of enhancing the design of foundations for difficult soil conditions in both the U.S.A. and in Kazakhstan.
In addition to the aforementioned technical program, a visit was organized to the world-renowned Longwood Gardens, an American botanical garden located in Kennett Square, Pennsylvania. This was followed by an excursion to the Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library, an American estate and museum in Winterthur, Delaware.
4. In December 2019, the 9th Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference (9AYGEC) and the 15th International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (15ICGE) were held on the territory of the University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore (Pakistan)
Recall that 8 AYGEC was previously held in Astana in 2016, and therefore, the participation of the delegation from Kazakhstan was mandatory for passing the baton to colleagues from the Pakistan Geotechnical Engineering Society (PGES).
The Republic of Kazakhstan at this conference was presented by the Director of the Geotechnical Institute of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society) Professor Askar Zhussupbekov and PhD Student of the Department of Design of Buildings and Constructions Yerkebulan Zharkenov.

The scientific report of the PhD Student of the Department of Design of Buildings and Constructions
Yerkebulan Zharkenov

Visit to the stand of the construction company "BEMSOL" (Lahore, Pakistan)

Group photo with invited speakers and 9AYGEC organizing committee

Technical Visit of Historical Monuments (Lahore, Pakistan)
5. From September, 1 to September 6, 2019 the 17th European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering was held in Reykjavík (Iceland)
Kazakhstan was represented by the Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Askar Zhussupbekov and Associate Professor of the Department of Design of Buildings and Structures, PhD Nurgul Alibekova.

Participants of the ECSMGE 2019 conference (from left to right: Prof., D.Sc. Rashid Mangushev (Russia),
Prof., D.Sc. Askar Zhussupbekov (Kazakhstan), Haraldur Sigursteinsson (Iceland), PhD Nurgul Alibekova (Kazakhstan))

Speech by Prof. Zhussupbekov A.Zh. on the report "Geotechnical GIS database for the new capital Astana, Kazakhstan"
6. The historic victory of Kazakhstan Geotechnics at the 16th Asian Regional Geotechnical Conference in Taipei (Taiwan)
The teaching staff of Architecture and Civil Engineering Faculty, Design of Buildings and Structures Department Professor A..Zhussupbekov, Associate Professor N. Alibekova, Senior Lecturer A.Omarov, Associate Professor A.Tulebekova, PhD students I.Zhumadilov, B.Abdrakhmanova, Head of the Department of Transport, equipment and technologies B.Togizbayeva took part in 16 Asian Regional Conference on October, 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan. The head of this delegation was Head of the Department of Design of buildings and structures PhD Zh.Shakhmov.
The international conference was organized in continuation of the Asian Regional Conferences which was held once in four year: New Delhi (India) 1960, Tokyo (Japan) 1963, Haifa (Israel) 1967, Bangkok (Thailand) 1971, Bangalore (Lahore) 1975, Singapore (Malaysia) 1979, Haifa (Israel) 1983, Kyoto (Japan) 1987, Bangkok (Thailand) 1991, Beijing (China) 1995, Seoul (South Korea) 1999, Singapore (Malaysia) 2003, Kolkata (India) 2007, Hong Kong (China) 2011, Fukuoka (Japan) 2015.
About 1000 specialists from 40 different countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong-Kong, India, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Syria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom, the USA, the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and others 40 countries construction companies producing geotechnical equipment’s took part in the conference and technical exhibition.

Participants of the conference

Report of PhD A.S. Tulebekova "Laboratory tests of soil on a triaxial device" (LN Gumilyov Eurasian National university, Kazakhstan, Members of KGS)

Report of PhD Student B.Abdrakhmanova (LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan, Members of KGS)

Report of PhD Student
I.Zhumadilov (LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University,
Kazakhstan, Members of KGS)
Inviting Lecturer, Director of Geotechnical Institute of ENU Prof.A.Zhussupbekov was presented thema lecture in the theme session chaired by Prof. Eun Chul Shin (Incheon National University, South Korea). The lecture was dedicated for geotechnical construction and testing of pile foundations in problematical soil ground of Kazakhstan.

The lecture of Prof.A. Zhussupbekov «Geotechnical consideration of piling construction and testing in problematical soils of Kazakhstan»
(LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan)

Awarded ceremony of Invite Lecturer Prof. A. Zhussupbekov (LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan)
During the 16 ARC was held the meeting of representatives of Asian geotechnical Societies of 21 country South Korea, China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Japan, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Lebanon, Pakistan, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Syria, Tajikistan, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Kyrgyzstan. The agenda was questions about future prospects for development and cooperation in the Asian region, and one of the key issues was a voting for choosing the venue for the next Asian regional conference 17 ARC in 2023.
This event was historical event about transmitting of the relay to the next country. The representatives of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and President of the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society Prof. A.Zhusupbekov were worthily represented Republic of Kazakhstan and scored the maximum number of votes, ahead of the opponent - Thailand with a record score of 14: 7.
It was the first time in the history of ISSMGE that Kazakhstan was chosen as the venue for such a large-scale international event.

Meeting of representatives of Asian geotechnical associations

Young geotechnics of ENU at 16ARC
Vice President for Asia, ISSMGE Prof. Eun Chul Shin (Incheon National University, South Korea) sent an official letter to L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and to the ISSMGE headquarters (London, England) about the victory of Kazakhstani Geotechnics in voting (Taipei, Taiwan).
Professor A. Zhussupbekov gave speech at the closing ceremony of 16ARCand presented video about Kazakhstan and the new capital of Kazakhstan Nur-Sultan city, and invited 16ARC participants to participate in the 17ARC in Kazakhstan, August-2023.
7. The First Kazakhstan-Uzbek Symposium dedicated to the Year of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan was held at ENU
May 28, 2019 in the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University hosted the First Kazakhstan-Uzbek Symposium on the Year of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan.
In the International symposium took part Deputy Dean of the Organization of Transportation and Transportation Logistics Masharipov M.N., Associate Professor of the Management of Railway Operational Management Sh.M. Suyunbaev, Senior Lecturer of the Department Bridges and Tunnels of the Tashkent Institute of Railway Engineers (TashRE) U. K. Abduraimov and scientists and PhD Students of the department "Design of Buildings and Constructions" of the Faculty of Architecture and Construction of L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

Report of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Transportation Organizations and Transport Logistics of the TashRE M.N. Masharipov

Presentation of the Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
The Chairman of the Symposium Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Professor A.Zh. Zhussupbekov who noted the key role of the development of transport construction in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan. Professor of the Department "Organization of transport, traffic and transport operation", Dr.T. Sc. Zh.M. Kuanyshbayev noted the high activity of Uzbek scientists in solve the transport infrastructure of Uzbekistan. Director of the Institute for Advanced Studies and Additional Education of L.N. Gumilyov ENU A.S. Iliyasova noted that 2019 was declared the YEAR of Kazakhstan in Uzbekistan by the Decision of the Presidents of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.

Scientists of Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan in the laboratory of the Geotechnical Institute

Group photo of the participants of the International symposium
Scientists from Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan discussed the possibility of scientific and technical cooperation in the field of joint research on the interaction of bridge structures with difficult soil ground conditions, as well as monitoring of transport facilities in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.
8. XII Astana Economic Forum with Scientific Researcher of the Geotechnical Institute of L.N. Gumilyov ENU and members of KGS
5,600 delegates and 460 speakers from 74 countries participated in the Forum. In addition, 381 journalists from 30 countries covered the event. Six venues were used – the Congress Center, the Hilton Hotel, the Astana International Financial Centre, the Astana Hub, St. the Regis Hotel and the Rixos Hotel.
For the first time in the 12-year history of the Forum, a completely new discussion format, unique for Kazakhstan, was held - the First Kazakhstan Forum on Achieving Sustainable Development Goals. The round table was organized for finance ministers and heads of central banks, with the participation of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In addition, AEF Talks was organized for students and young people, which included open public lectures and meetings with Nobel laureates and politicians.
Within the framework of the forum a panel session was held on the theme: «Building innovative ecosystems for green growth: science, education and technologies», in which outstanding speakers took part, such as: Bakytzhan Zhumagulov (Senate member of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan), Adnan Amin (honoured Director-General at the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)), Aliya Nazarbayeva (Chairman of Presidium of the Association of Ecological Organizations of Kazakhstan (AEOK)), Kulyash Shamshadinova (Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan), Rapil Zhoshybayev (Head of International green technologies and investments center), Anthony Cox, Deputy Director of the Environment Directorate, OECD and other invited experts.

Speech by panel session speakers of «Building innovative ecosystems for green growth: science,
education and technologies»

Welcome Dialogue Senator of Birganym Aitimova and Professor Askar Zhussupbekov

Participants of the panel session XII AEF with the Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Participants of the panel session «Building innovative ecosystems for green growth: science, education and technologies» XII АEF, 16-17 May, 2019

Tour at the Geotechnical Institu
9. From September, 2019 till December, 2019 the Scientific internship at Nippon Koei (Japan) of PhD Student of ENU Mr. Zhumadilov Iliyas (member of KGS)
Iliyas Zhumadilov, second year PhD Student of “Buildings Design and Structures” department at the “Architecture and Civil Engineering” faculty, attended a three-month scientific fellowship program at the Research Company Nippon Koei Co., LtD (Japan).
Nippon Koei Co., LtD is a leading international research company in Japan. The company is engaged in scientific research and solving various problems in different infrastructure projects field such as construction, transport, energy and human resource development.
Based on the work performed during the internship, an in-depth analysis of the mechanical properties of complex soil conditions in the city of Nur-Sultan (Astana) was carried out, which subsequently makes a good basis for writing scientific articles in journals included in the international databases Scopus and Web of Science.

Photo 2. During the process of determining the physical properties of the soil

The Centrifuge Test
In addition, within the framework of the second Forum between the Eurasian National University and Hachinohe Institute of Technology (Japan), which was also held at Nippon Koei, Iliyas Zhumadilov presented a report on the topic "Problems of difficult ground conditions in the city of Nur-Sultan".

Participation in the forum

Group photo with Nippon Koei researchers.
10. The results of the international meeting of Technical Committee TC 305 ISSMGE
11. (2 May, 2020)
On the basis of Geotechnical Institute at ENU, there was an international online meeting on topic "Geotechnical infrastructure for megacities and new capitals."
Over 40 experts from the USA, Argentina, India, Japan, South Korea, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Albania, Poland, Turkey, Iran, Kyrgyzstan participated to this online forum (on the ZOOM platform). The main topics were features of the design and construction of the underground part of high-rise buildings and structures, calculation of models of soil bases and the experience of the USA, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India in the design and construction of underground and elevated structures, the development of underground space in complex ground conditions.

The participants of the Forum
Vice-Chairman of TC-305, PhD, Professor Hoe Ling (Columbia University, New York, USA) presented the report on topic “Displacements and settlements of soil ground (data base) at during time of deep excavation in megacities.”

Discussion between participants
From left to right: Professor Alejo Oscar Sfriso from Argentina and Professor R. Ayothiraman from India
Eun Chul Shin, Professor, ISSMGE Vice President of Asia from South Korea, gave a welcome speech and also TC 305 Secretary, Professor Der Wen Chang spoke at the forum (Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan).
A.Zh. Zhusupbekov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Chairman of TS 305 (ISSMGE) presented megaprojects of a new capital- Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan.
Professor R. Katzenbach (Germany), Professor V. Kaliakin (USA), Professor E. Iwasaki (Japan), Professor Sebastiano Rampello (Italy), Skender Allkja (Albania) and many other scientists and specialists participated in a discussion during the meeting. Professor A. Boominathan (India) invited the members of TC 305 to take part in the international geotechnical conference, which will be in December 2020 in India.

Professor A.Zh. Zhussupbekov presenting megaprojects of Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan
Moreover, PhD students and young teachers of Architecture and Civil Engineering faculty of Eurasian National University, also participated at the online forum which allowed them to gain tremendous experience and knowledge in the field of geotechnics.
In conclusion, Professor A.Zh. Zhusupbekov informed the meeting participants that they should prepare reports for the 20th International Geotechnical Conference, which will be in September 2021 in Sydney (Australia), and also emphasized maintaining vigilance in self-isolation and protecting the family from COVID 19. The next online forum will be in July 2020.
11. A winter marathon of Eurasian in Iraq and in the USA, March, 2020
Professor of the Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Dr.Tech.Sc. Askar Zhussupbekov participated as a keynote lecturer at the 1st International Geotechnical Conference in Baghdad (Iraq), as well as at the Geo-Congress 2020 in Minneapolis, Minnesota (the USA) at the end of February and the beginning of March, 2020.
An international conference was held in Iraq at the Baghdad University. About 800 participants from various universities and research organizations of Iraq and other countries around the world attended at the conference. Prof. Dr. Imad Hussein Al-Hussaini (President of the Baghdad University), Prof. Dr. Saba Al-Khafaji (Dean of the College of Engineering), Dr. Mahdi O. Karkush (President of the Iraq Geotechnical Association) and Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov (President of the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Association) gave the welcome addresses at the Opening Ceremony of the 1st International Geotechnical Conference in Baghdad (Iraq).
Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov reported about the activities of ISSMGE in the Asian region at the Opening Ceremony, as well as about the program of the upcoming 17th Asian Regional Geotechnical Conference, which will be held in Nur-Sultan in August, 2023.

Group photo of the participants of the First Iraqi International Geotechnical Conference

Technical excursion to Ancient Babylon

Group photo with the President of Baghdad University Dr. Imad Hussein Al-Hussaini

Group photo with Professors and Students of the Columbia University.

Elected President of ASCE, Prof. Jean-Luis Briaud and Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov (President of the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society)

Group photo with exhibitors (KANSAS University)

At the exhibition of the Geo-Congress 2020

Group photo with representatives of GIKEN, Japan
12. Shantou University (China), Indian Geotechnical Society (India), Vardhaman College of Engineering (India) and Qingdao University (China) organized a series of scientific webinars on building and environmental protection
The Organizing committee of international scientific forum invited the Professor of the Department of Design of Buildings and Structures of the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, Doctor of Technical Sciences A. Zhussupbekov as a guest lecturer at the webinar, which was held on May 12, 2020. About 300 students participated in this forum from India, China and Kazakhstan.

Professor A. Zhussupbekov opened a webinar with a lecture on the theme “Development of the infrastructure of
megacities in the difficult ground conditions of Kazakhstan”.

In conclusion, the moderator of the webinar Dr. Chandra Bogireddy (India) invited participants to the next forum on May 14, 2020. Invited lecturers will be: Professor Brijesh Kumar Yadav from IIT Roorke (India). Topic of this lecture is “Engineered Bioremediation of Polluted Land and Groundwater Sites”, also Professor Chao-sheng Teng from Nanjing University (China). Topic of this lecture is “Mechanical behavior of discrete fiber reinforced soil”.
13.From February till March, 2020 the Scientific Internship in Aomori prefecture (Japan) of PhD Student Ms.Bibigul Abdrakhmanova from Department of Design of Buidings and Constructions, Eurasian National University and member of KGS
The PhD Student Department of Design of Buildings and Constructions of Faculty of Architecture and Construction Bibigul Abdrakhmanova completed a two-month scientific internship in the research laboratory of the Hachinohe Institute of Technology (HIT), Aomori Prefecture, Japan.

Meeting with HIT President Professor Akira Hasegawa and representatives of the institute

In the process (test) of studying of the properties of soils by using the devices
On March 11, 2011, East Coastal area of Japan was as epicenter of a natural, and then a man-made disaster (Fukushima-1) and was as focus to the attention of scientists and specialists on the issue of natural disaster prevention. The city of Hachinohe was one of the most affected areas after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami. Together with scientists of the Hachinohe Institute of Technology PhD Student Abdrakhmanova Bibigul got acquainted with the research and the results of this disaster.

There was no chance for escape from the Tsunami: several tens of meters high waves hit the areas

Awarding Ceremony with internship certificate to PhD Student of "ENU. L.N. Gumilyeоv by President of HIT
Professor Akira Hasegawa
PhD Student Bibigul Abdrakhmanova expresses deep gratitude to Mr Yanagiya-owner of HIT, to international scientific advisor - Professor Akira Hasegawa, to international consultant- Professor Hashizume Sensei, to Professor Askar Zhussupbekov – scientific advisor (ENU) and also to HIT research laboratories team (Japan) for giving opportunity to scientific internships in Japan.

Group photo of Yoshie Sekiya, Yoshita Katagiri, Kazuyuki Matsuzawa (Sato Juki corporation) and Abdrakhmanova
Bibigul (ENU) and during a technical tour at the construction site of Sato Juki Corporation in Tokyo, Japan.
14.From 12 to 18 July 2020 PhD. Students of the Department Design of Buildings and Structures and employees of the Geotechnical Institute at the experimental site in Nur-Sultan sity
From 12 to 18 July 2020 PhD. Students, Bachelors Students and employees of the Geotechnical Institute and the Department of Design of Buildings L.N. Gumilyov ENU took part in pile tests for static vertical load at the construction site of the multifunctional residential complex, being built on the left bank of the river Ishim, Nur-Sultan.
Testing team from L.N. Gumilyov ENU and KGS Ltd., conducted 3 pile tests of 3 driven ten-meter length of driven piles in problematic soil conditions of the facility under construction.
During the tests, a unique Dutch-made test equipment was used, which makes it possible to record the readings of the devices in a remote mode.

Analysis of pile testing results,from left to right: PhD. Student M. Nurgozhina of the Department "Design of Buildings and Constructions", Bachelor Student A. Maksut of the Department" Space Engineering and Technology"

Testing of piles at the construction site.from left to right: Researcher at the Geotechnical Institute S. B. Iskakov, PhD. Student M. Nurgozhina of the Department of "Design of Buildings and Constructions"
The expert commission headed by the director of the technology commercialization department, PhD. D. Kargin and Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Academician of NIA RK, Professor A. Zhussupbekov visited the experimental pile test site. Director of the technology commercialization Department, PhD. D. Kargin told to PhD. Students, Bachelors Students and employees of the Geotechnical Institute about the role of commercialization in the context of the transition to NAO L.N. Gumilyov ENU. Manager of "KGS-Astana" Ltd., PhD Yergen Ashkey (graduated of ENU the L.N. Gumilyov), as a representative of the customer, spoke about the purpose of the pile tests.

Manager of "KGS-Astana" Ltd., PhD Yergen Ashkey demonstrates of the experimental polygon

Delegation from L.N. Gumilyov ENU. at the test site,
from left to right: Bachelor Student of Department "Space Engineering and Technologies" A. Maksut, representative of "KGS" Ltd. Engineer A. Khamzin (graduated of ENU the L.N. Gumilyov), Director of the Geotechnical Institute Professor A. Zhussupbekov, Director of the Department of Commercialization of Technologies PhD. D. Kargin, PhD. Students of the Department of "Design of Buildings and Constructions" B. Abdrakhmanova, K. Khafizov
Professor A. Zhussupbekov drew attention to the fact that the results of these scientific studies will make it possible to reduce the design length of the piles. This will give a tremendous economic effect when installing working piles in a multifunctional residential complex in difficult soil conditions in the city of Nur-Sultan. He also stressed that based on these scientific data, three scientific articles of three PhD. Students are being prepared, which they will present at the 20th ICSMGE in Sydney (Australia), September 2021.