On the basis of Geotechnical Institute at ENU, there was an international online meeting on topic "Geotechnical infrastructure for megacities and new capitals."
Over 40 experts from the USA, Argentina, India, Japan, South Korea, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Albania, Poland, Turkey, Iran, Kyrgyzstan participated to this online forum (on the ZOOM platform). The main topics were features of the design and construction of the underground part of high-rise buildings and structures, calculation of models of soil bases and the experience of the USA, Italy, Germany, Turkey, Japan, South Korea, India in the design and construction of underground and elevated structures, the development of underground space in complex ground conditions.

The participants of the Forum
Vice-Chairman of TC-305, PhD, Professor Hoe Ling (Columbia University, New York, USA) presented the report on topic “Displacements and settlements of soil ground (data base) at during time of deep excavation in megacities.”

Discussion between participants
From left to right: Professor Alejo Oscar Sfriso from Argentina and Professor R. Ayothiraman from India
Eun Chul Shin, Professor, ISSMGE Vice President of Asia from South Korea, gave a welcome speech and also TC 305 Secretary, Professor Der Wen Chang spoke at the forum (Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan).
A.Zh. Zhusupbekov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Geotechnical Institute, Chairman of TS 305 (ISSMGE) presented megaprojects of a new capital- Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan.
Professor R. Katzenbach (Germany), Professor V. Kaliakin (USA), Professor E. Iwasaki (Japan), Professor Sebastiano Rampello (Italy), Skender Allkja (Albania) and many other scientists and specialists participated in a discussion during the meeting. Professor A. Boominathan (India) invited the members of TC 305 to take part in the international geotechnical conference, which will be in December 2020 in India.

Professor A.Zh. Zhussupbekov presenting megaprojects of Nur-Sultan city, Kazakhstan
Moreover, PhD students and young teachers of Architecture and Civil Engineering faculty of Eurasian National University, also participated at the online forum which allowed them to gain tremendous experience and knowledge in the field of geotechnics.
In conclusion, Professor A.Zh. Zhusupbekov informed the meeting participants that they should prepare reports for the 20th International Geotechnical Conference, which will be in September 2021 in Sydney (Australia), and also emphasized maintaining vigilance in self-isolation and protecting the family from COVID 19. The next online forum will be in July 2020.