The teaching staff of Architecture and Civil Engineering Faculty, Design of Buildings and Structures Department Professor A..Zhussupbekov, Associate Professor N. Alibekova, Senior Lecturer A.Omarov, Associate Professor A.Tulebekova, PhD students I.Zhumadilov, B.Abdrakhmanova, Head of the Department of Transport, equipment and technologies B.Togizbayeva took part in 16 Asian Regional Conference on October, 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan. The head of this delegation was Head of the Department of Design of buildings and structures PhD Zh.Shakhmov.
The international conference was organized in continuation of the Asian Regional Conferences which was held once in four year: New Delhi (India) 1960, Tokyo (Japan) 1963, Haifa (Israel) 1967, Bangkok (Thailand) 1971, Bangalore (Lahore) 1975, Singapore (Malaysia) 1979, Haifa (Israel) 1983, Kyoto (Japan) 1987, Bangkok (Thailand) 1991, Beijing (China) 1995, Seoul (South Korea) 1999, Singapore (Malaysia) 2003, Kolkata (India) 2007, Hong Kong (China) 2011, Fukuoka (Japan) 2015.
About 1000 specialists from 40 different countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Canada, China, Chinese Taipei, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong-Kong, India, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Macau, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Zealand, Nigeria, Philippines, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, South Korea, Syria, Sri Lanka, Thailand, United Kingdom, the USA, the Czech Republic, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and others 40 countries construction companies producing geotechnical equipment’s took part in the conference and technical exhibition.

Participants of the conference
The conference program also included technical session of young geotechnical engineers. Nineteen young scientists of Asian regions presented reports on the design, construction
Associate Professor of the Department of Design of Buildings and Structures A.S. Tulebekova made a report "Laboratory tests of soil on a triaxial device" describing the results of tests in the laboratory of the Geotechnical Institute of the L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University which was given big opportunities for research work for undergraduates and PhD students.

Report of PhD A.S. Tulebekova "Laboratory tests of soil on a triaxial device" (LN Gumilyov Eurasian National university, Kazakhstan)
The best reports were awarded according to the results of the technical session. Also the winners PhD, Associate Professor A.Tulebekova, PhD, Senior Lecturer A.Omarov from L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University was awarded by Dr. Fuchen Teng (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology). Young ENU geotechnical scientists dedicated their scientific reports to the Year of Youth in Kazakhstan.

Chairman of the Organizing committee of the youth geotechnical conference 16ARC-
Dr. Fuchen Teng (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology)
The Vice-President for Asia, ISSMGE Prof. Eun Chul Shin (Incheon national University, South Korea), President of ISSMGE Prof.Charles Ng (Hong Kong), President CTGS Prof. Yong-Ming Tien (Taipei, Taiwan), Deputy Mayor of Taibei Dr. Chen Chwen-Jing gave a congratulatory address to the participants of the 16 ARC.

Welcome Address of Prof. Eun Chul Shin (Incheon National University, South Korea)
The reports were presented by the world's leading scientists, one of them are Prof. Eun Chul Shin (Incheon National University, South Korea), Prof. Der Wen Chang (Tamkang University, Taiwan), Prof.Tatsunori Matsumoto (Kanazava University, Japan), Prof. Akitoshi Mochizuki (Tokushima University,Japan), Prof. Yoshinori Iwasaki (GeoResearch Institute, Japan), Prof. Roger Frank (Ecole des Ponts Paris Teach, France), Prof. Deepankar Choudhury (Indian Institute of Technology at Bombay, India), Prof. Wei Wu (Institute fur Geotechnik,Austria), Prof. Britta Bienen (The University of Western Australia), Prof. Ikuo Towhata (The Japanese Geotechnical Society), Prof. Suttisak Soralump (Kasetsart University, Thailand) and so on.
Inviting Lecturer, Director of Geotechnical Institute of ENU Prof.A.Zhussupbekov was presented thema lecture in the theme session chaired by Prof. Eun Chul Shin (Incheon National University, South Korea). The lecture was dedicated for geotechnical construction and testing of pile foundations in problematical soil ground of Kazakhstan.

The lecture of Prof.A. Zhussupbekov «Geotechnical consideration of piling construction and testing in problematical soils of Kazakhstan»

Awarded ceremony of Invite Lecturer
Prof. A. Zhussupbekov (LN Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Kazakhstan)
The scientific reports in the session "TC-305 Megacities" was made by the Associate Professor of the department of Design of buildings and structures,
N. Alibekova, Head of the Department of Design of buildings and structures Associate Professor Zh.Shakhmov, Senior Lecturer A.Omarov, Associate Professor A.Tulebekova and other scientists from Russia, Japan.