27 May 2019
The teaching staff of Architecture and Civil Engineering Faculty, Design of Buildings and Structures Department Prof. A.Zh. Zhussupbekov and Associate Professor A.S. Tulebekova took part of the IV International scientific conference “Transportation Soil Engineering in Cold Regions” (TRANSOILCOLD 2019). The Conference was held in St.Ptersburg, Russia, May 20-23, 2019 and dedicated to the 210th anniversary of the Emperor Alexander I St. Petersburg State Transport University and the 100th anniversary of the Faculty of Transport Construction.
The conference was organized in continuation of the TRANSOILCOLD symposiums which was held in Xining (China,2013), in Novosibirsk (Russia, 2015), in Guida (China, 2017), and was supported by International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, including technical Committees: TC202 “Transport Geotechnical Engineering”, TC215 “Geotechnical Engineering and Ecology”, TC216 “Geotechnical Engineering of Frozen Soils”, International Society of Geosynthetics Materials, International Community of Young Permafrost. Specialists from Germany, Kazakhstan, Canada, China, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, the USA, the Czech Republic and South Korea took part in the conference.

Participants of the conference
The conference program included a symposium of young geotechnical engineers in memory of Professor V.G. Kondratyev. The keynote lecture “Complex analysis of pile tests on LRT construction site in Astana ” was presented to young scientists by Dr. Sc., Professor A.Zh. Zhussupbekov.

Young Geotechnical Engineers Symposium

Keynote Lecture of Prof. A.Zh. Zhussupbekov
Eighteen young scientists presented reports on the design, construction and operation of transport infrastructure in cold regions.

Katharina Niggemann (RWTH Aachen University, Germany)