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Summary of the Second KGS-CTGS Geotechnical Seminar, Astana, Almaty, Kazakhstan

The Second Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society (KGS) – Chinese Taipei Geotechnical Society (CTGS) international geotechnical seminar was held under the auspices of the Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society (Kazakhstan) and the Chinese Taipei Geotechnical Society (Taiwan) on August 3-4, 2018 in Astana, Kazakhstan and August 5-6, 2018 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

The main targets of seminar were increasing interactions between Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society and Chinese Taipei Geotechnical Society and identifying opportunities for future collaborations. The seminar had a strong industry related component to highlight geotechnical and construction opportunities.

The themes of this seminar covered various geotechnical issues, such as underground construction, numerical modeling of the interaction of the raft-pile foundation, slope stability, improvement of soils, laboratory soil testing and field tests, soft soils, pile and deep foundations, geotechnologies.

The Co-chairmen of the Scientific Committee of the international seminar were Prof. Assemgul Moldazhanova, the first Vice-Rector - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of L.N. Gumilyov ENU and Prof. Keh-Jian Shou, President of the Chinese Taipei Geotechnical Society. The Co-chairmen of the Organizing Committee of the international seminar were Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov (President of Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society, Head of the Department of Design of Buildings and Structures of L.N. Gumilyov ENU) and Prof. Der-Wen Chang (Secretary General of TC 305 Geotechnical infrastructure of Mega Cities and New Capitals of ISSMGE, Professor of Tamkang University, Taipei, Taiwan), also included the faculty members, researchers of L.N. Gumilyov ENU, Nazarbayev University, LRT Construction, LLP and KazDORNII, JSC.

Plenary session of the international seminar (at the first view: Co-chairmen of the Organizing Committee, Prof. Der-Wen Chang and Prof. Askar Zhussupbekov)

The seminar was held in two stages in Astana at the L.N. Gumilyov ENU (August 3-4, 2018) and in Almaty at the KazDORNII, JSC (August 5-6, 2018).

More than 50 delegates from Taiwan, the USA, South Korea, the Republic of Belarus, Syria and Kazakhstan participated in the international seminar during these days. Head of the Chinese Taipei geotechnical delegation was Prof. Keh-Jian Shou (National Chung-Hsing University). Others delegates from Taiwan who participated to a seminar were Prof. Yung-Show Fang (National Chiao Tung University), Prof. Der-Wen Chang (Tamkang University), Prof. Meei-Ling Lin (National Taiwan University), Prof. Yu-Ning Ge (National Taiwan University), Prof. Hung-Jiun Liao (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Prof. Show-Ling Wen (Chinese Culture University), Prof. Chih-Wei Lu (National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology), Assistant Professor Shih-Hao Cheng (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology), Assistant Professor Fuchen Teng (National Taiwan University of Science and Technology).

Delegation from Taiwan in ENU

Prof. Assemgul Moldazhanova in the Opening Ceremony of the International Seminar said a welcoming speech to the delegates where she mentioned about the strong cooperation between the Tamkang University (Taiwan) and L.N. Gumilyov ENU (Kazakhstan) in the field of education and science. Also welcoming speeches to the delegates were approached by Prof. Keh-Jian Shou and Prof. Askar Zhusupbekov. They wished a fruitful work in the plenary and panel sessions of the seminar to the participants.

At the Opening Ceremony of the international seminar

Awarding souvenirs and national Kazakh clothing to delegates from Taiwan

On the first day of the international seminar the panel sessions included the oral presentations of keynote lecturers from Taiwan and Kazakhstan - Prof. Keh-Jian Shou (Department of Civil Engineering National Chung-Hsing University) on the key issues of trenchless excavation for underground pipelines; Prof. Askar Zhusupbekov (L.N. Gumilyov ENU) on geotechnical construction and testing of piling foundations on problematic soils of Kazakhstan; , Prof. Yung-Show Fang (Department of Civil Engineering, National Chiao Tung University) on reduction of interface friction between pressed-in caisson and soil deposits by non-friction method; Associate Professor Zhanbolat Shakhmov (L.N. Gumilyov ENU) on frozen soil ground characteristics impacting to hazards, and also included a Special Lecture from the sponsor of the international seminar Vremya LLP, at Keller company (Atyrau, Kazakhstan). Mr. Waldemar Kwiatkowski told on advanced geotechnical solutions for deep excavations in the city areas.

Prof. Keh-Jian Shou gave a keynote lecture at the Plenary Session

Then the delegates visited the construction sites of construction of the transport bridge over the Yessil River, of construction of 113 LRT station, of construction of a depot near the international airport. At the construction sites, the delegates were informed about current work stages of the construction, the supervisor engineers told about the technological specifics of the construction.

On the construction site of Depot LRT

On August 5, 2018 the seminar’s participants went to a technical tour in Almaty, where they visited Chimbulak, Medeo stadium, the Kok-Tobe TV Tower and other unique construction projects in Almaty.

Delegates on the skating stadium Medeo

Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society
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