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Eighth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference “Challenges and innovations in geotechnics”

On August 5, 2016 a three-day Eighth Asian Young Geotechnical Engineers Conference “Challenges and innovations in geotechnics” started on the basis of the Eurasian National University and Nazarbayev University.

The platform to discuss innovations and challenges in the field of geotechnical engineering was jointly organized by L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Nazarbayev University and Kazakhstan Geotechnical Association.

Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the International Conference is the ENU Professor Askar Zhussupbekov.

Next Kazakh companies became sponsors: Kazakhstan Geotechnical Association; L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University; Nazarbayev University; Korkyt ata Kyzylorda State University; "GEOLAB" LLP; MG Build LLP; "Time" LLP; Sembol Construction; Consolidated Constructors Company; "National Company "Astana EXPO-2017" JSC; "Design Institute "Basis" LLP; "ABK - Maksat" LLP; Karaganda GIIZ and K*; Group of Companies GEOIZOL (Saint-Petersburg - Kazakhstan); Arabtec Holding (United Arab Emirates); Yoshinori Iwasaki, Geo-Research Institute (Osaka, Japan).

The Scientific Committee was presented by Shigeo Katsu, President of Nazarbayev University; Yerlan Sydykov, Rector of the ENU; Asemgul Moldazhanova, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the ENU; Viktor Popov, General Director of "Karaganda GIIZ and K*" LLP; Gennady Sultanov, Chief Designer of "Basis –A” JSC; Bagdat Teltaev, President of "KazDor Research Institute" LLP; as well as representatives of the Karaganda State Technical University Adil Zhakulin, Kazakh Head Architecture and Construction Academy Vitaly Khomyakov and others.

President of the International Committee is Ikuo Tovhata, Vice President of ISSMGE in Asia and President of the Japanese Geotechnical Society, the interests of the Committee was also presented by Roger Frank, ISSMGE President, Neil Taylor, ISSMGE Executive Secretary, Askar Zhussupbekov, President of Kazakhstan Geotechnical Association, Yongku Choi, President of the Korean Geotechnical Association, Chang Yu Ou, president of the Chinese Taibei Geotechnical Society, Kam Weng Leong, President of the Singapore Geotechnical Society, Suttisak Soralamp, President of Thai Geotechnical Society, T.G. Sittaram - from the Indian Institute of Science and Uzuoka Ryosuke, Tokushima University.

Kazakhstan Geotechnical Society
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